GKSC Update 2013
- Proposed Clan Ranks Adjustment.- Refreshing the Staff Ranks.- Reviewing all members Ranks.- Staff Position Vacancies.
- Clan Rules & Allocating Ranks.
Proposed Clan Ranks Adjustment:
The current Clan structure does not fit/align properly with GKSC Ranks.
I was aware of this since the RS Ranks System was updated, but never got around to it.
A new, and up to date Clan Structure has been drawn up.
I have kept as much the same as possible.
The highest 'earnable' rank will be General. (Currently the highest is Captain)
Refreshing the Staff Ranks:
Due to absences, and unfairly distributed workload, we need to review all members' ranks.
Do not panic! Most of you will be unaffected.
All Admin+ ranks will be set to General initially,
and we will offer the available positions as available.
Any 'demotions' are in no way any form of punishment!
I am simply trying to make things a little easier on our awesome Clan Staff.
Your standing within GKSC has not changed, we do need to reclaim the staff ranks though.
I hope you understand on this point.
All rank changes will be discussed within the GKEC, so please don't think it's just me picking favourites.
Reviewing all members Ranks:
This is largely to do with inactive members/non-cappers.
As I mentioned above, most 'GKM' ranks will remain unchanged.
Staff Position Vacancies:
For a staff position, there is a job that needs doing.
The way it is set up, if everyone does their little job, the Clan runs smoothly.
If a Staff member slacks, then the effect knocks onto other areas/Staff.
If you are interested in helping GKSC run, let a GKEC member know asap.
GKEC > We will pool the names at the GKEC meeting.
If you are not offered a Staff position, please do not take it personally.
If you are offered a position, please remember you represent us.
Please feel free to discuss your thoughts on the above Proposed Clan Update.
Obviously, our Staff will continue to support one another, but the jobs need bosses.
Looking for as much feedback as possible before we discuss it in depth at the GKEC meeting.
I know everyone just wants to chill, and play RS. I understand that, but Clans do need staff.
If you are already Admin+, please understand the reasons for the update,
and definitely do not think we think any less of you or that we are punishing you.
Clan Rules & Allocating Ranks:
The Clan Rules, and the way in which the ranks are allocated, will remain the same
Completing Induction = 2 Bananas (Corporal)
Gaining Full Fealty in Citadel = Bronze Star (Lieutenant)
Lose your Fealty, or get caught shirking Citadel contribution = demotion to 3 Bananas (Sergeant)
I am posting this here so that ALL clan members are included in the process.
I am not simply wanting to shake things up. These amendments are needed for the health of GKSC.
It would be great to hear your thoughts, and maybe even settle any concerns you may have.
All the best,