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GKSC on StormFall [Age of War]

GKSC on StormFall [Age of War]
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GKSC Active

I would like to happily announce that GKSC is officially ACTIVE again. I have started adjusting bits on the site, and am currently trying to reslove a few issues im having. If you skilled with CSS/HTML codes then please give me a shout so i can get some ideas on my problems. =) TEAMSPEAK 2 - I will sort a secure Channel once it is worth the expense. There are currently not enough GKM's using it for it to be worth the cost atm. SWIFTKIT - I did create 2 Channels on swiftkits IRC client but because the majority of the clan don't bother with it, i have kinda ignored them =S i may get them up and running again at a later point. Would like to remind people....... GKSC OWNS!