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GKSC on StormFall [Age of War]

GKSC on StormFall [Age of War]
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Trouble Logging In Since BotNuke?

I have not been able to Log into any world for a while. Kept getting the message...
"Runescape has updated! Please reload this page."

If you are having this problem, you may wish to check out...

Tech update, 28th October
Quick find code: 25-26-423-63319466

Current Java Update Solutions
Quick find code: 25-26-327-63309050

Quick find code: 25-26-589-61307531

I hope you find this information useful.

Keep Trying! You Will Get On Eventually

A Copy of a Message Sent to me by Mod Mosley

Dear Lancerlotte,

Thank you for your message.

The first step that I would advise for you to take is to re-run the auto setup for your graphical options whilst in the lobby stage.

If this does not solve the issue, then please try selecting a different display mode from the graphical options before attempting to enter game.

One way to get around this issue is to try different worlds. You should be able to find one that will let you log in.

It may also be beneficial for you to clear your Jagex cache. To guide you through this, here are step by step instructions:

1. Go to Start > Computer > Local Disk ( C: ) or your primary hard drive.
2. Locate the folder named “.jagex_cache_32” and/or “.jagex_cache_33”.
3. Delete these folders.
4. Restart your Internet Browser (e.g. Internet explorer, Firefox, Chrome, etc).
5. Load RuneScape and continue playing.

Using the RuneScape Client may also be a good idea. To get the client follow these steps:

1. Visit http://www.RuneScape.com
2. Hover your mouse pointer over 'Community'
3. Select 'Downloads and Wallpapers' from the drop down menu
4. Download the RuneScape Client from this new page, ensuring you select the correct download for your appropriate operating system.

It is important that you completely remove any current version of the client that you have installed before replacing it, as not doing so may cause errors.

I hope this helps.

Yours sincerely,
Mod Mosley "

On a Sub-Note ~

If the Runescape Game Client doesn't work for you. E.g. You get a message saying "Unable to verify BrowserControl." I think this (and similar issues) will be resolved when the new Runescape Site is released.
"For those of you experiencing the issue when you download the new 1.2 you still get version 1.1, this is because of a web proxy between you and us. Normally we would fix this by changing the link to download the client, HOWEVER, because of the pending website re-write next week we unfortunately cannot update the link at the moment. When the website update goes live next week this problem will be solved. In the meantime, you can attempt to download the client on a different connection which should solve the problem. Apologies for the inconvenience. "

Extract from Runescape Forums; Quick find code: 25-26-572-63375584