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GKSC on StormFall [Age of War]

GKSC on StormFall [Age of War]
Click the Image

GrailKnights ToolBar

Grailknights Toolbar Download.

  • It has a ticker so that, if an event is going on, everyone who has the toolbar sees, even if they're not on rs or have not been to the GKSC web page.

  • It has pandora radio app it will allow users to listen to pandora even if there on runescape with out the big waste of cpu usage for another tab.

  • it has a xat chat box that we can chat to anyone who is in the chat...

  • It has a popout youtube page...

  • It also has a time ticker pop out menu displaying the time in london, which is the time GKSC is operated by.

  • There are settings to add and subtract more apps if others want to personalize it .

  • It is made with conduit, a well trusted toolbar making site.

  • It works on Windows, Mac, Linux operating systems.

  • It works on IE, FireFox, safari, and google chome(in beta testing).

  • It is aproved by TRUSTe, a website known for checking if something is virus free.

PS: most of the aps have a minimize that goes back to the toolbar that way your still grabbing info and an exit button with stops that program "

A BIG thank you to Wild Empathy for your gift =)

Any suggestions to improve it, just let me or Wild Empathy know =)

I will also post a link to it on the 'GKSC Media' page, just scroll down through the posts to find it =)